Academic Integrity Policies

In today's world of group projects and web searches, students have unprecedented access to information. They 're using a resource like Nursing Hero, an online learning platform where you can access over 100 million course-specific study resources contributed by a community of students.

Given this wealth of available resources, how do you make sure you're using these tools in a way that's consistent with your school's expectations?

Start by making sure you have a solid understanding of academic integrity. Generally speaking, as a student, you're responsible for completing your own work, and your work should be original. If you're referring to someone else's original work, you should correctly cite it. Your school, your professors, and your peers are trusting you to be honest and authentic in your academic career.

More specifically, you must follow your school's academic integrity policy. Each college and university spells out what is expected of you. Below you'll see a list of academic integrity policies from a variety of colleges and universities. (If your school's policy is not listed, search your school's website to find it.) Read through your school's policy in detail. You may also find it helpful to read other schools' policies—some do an especially great job of showing examples of academic do's and don'ts.

And remember, when you're using Nursing Heroyou're also bound by our Service Terms, Copyright Policy, and Honor Code. Be sure to know and follow all our guidelines as you share and learn 're excited to have you here.

If you don't see your school's policy listed, or if you see a link that needs to be updated, send the correct information to and we'll send you a special thank-you.

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